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Something new for me!!!

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I got a new toy over the weekend. Thanks Boobaru!


The Car, 1984 GL Wagon

The good news is it’s a clean one owner.

The bad news is “Mad Max” was the previous owner.

The ugly...well just look


The Bad, the alternator is toast and putting out 18-20 volts,

The brakes feel spongy and may need bleeding.

Plenty of rust although no more than my old Hatch.

Adding 2 quarts of oil took it up to ½ on the dip stick

The tranny oil is a 1 ½" past full on the dip stick.

The front fuel filter is mounted upside down.

The one front CV boot is torn/missing.

The CV roll pin is missing on a front axle.

The fuel pump area is damp with gas?

Won’t pass emissions.


The Good, burns rubber with ease!

Motor seems good.

Has a stealth look to it with the radar absorbing paint job.

Body is relatively strait.

No oil/fluid leaks.

Everything in side seems to work.

Has a sun roof although rumor has it that it may leak?

Price was Cheap! (Lunch money)


The Ugly, the paint pops up here again, most people would consider this ugly–not me!

This is exactly how I would have painted it–rattle can black primer!

Grill has just enough tilt to it to have some character.


Now....what to do with it?


82 SubaruHummer

84 GL Wagon

01 Forester


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