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How cool is this?

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My buddy gave this to me a few weeks ago, never seen one before.


He just bought a 87 RX from the first and only owner who got this with the car at the dealer back in 87.


The box and original key chain are in perfect condition!

Pretty good friend if you ask me, Im going to get a key from the local dealer and have it cut for my car so i also have an original key for it.:banana:



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where are people findin these RX's in bend!? the whole time i lived there i only saw 1 3dr RX..and 1 4dr, which donny owned


Perhaps you weren't looking very well, I acculy found mine in prineville and my buddy(Fat) found his in redmond, Can't remeber where donny found his, I found a grey 85 RX at rodgers towing in redmond, that was the beat up RX that donny was using for parts for a while, There is a white 87 RX in perfect condition driving around here as well, I have also seen a blue RX sedan in sisters.


Just gotta be in the rite place at the rite time i guess, i feel pretty lucky for finding mine, Can't wait to get the 2.2T in there.

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Bucky92 got one with her 82 GLF when she bought it a few months ago. She had pics of it too. But yeah, its a pretty rare item.


Yup my 82 GLF came with its original key box..just wish the keychain would have been in it. It is a really cool item to have and a good conversation piece too!

Nice score!

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  • 4 weeks later...

That's the first I've seen the keychain and box, very cool indeed.


When I bought my RX used, the owner still had the top part of the original key, but not the metal (key) part. The top on those ones had a little LED in there that lit up when you squeezed it, so you could find your keyhole in the dark I suppose. I could not tell from the 2nd set of photos if that key had the light up parts or not. That was the first time I had seen an original light-up key, even if it was broken. :)

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speaking of key stories..

So I get this beautiful (read rusted hulk) '88 GL-10 wagon that had been abandoned by the owner, who brought it to Barbados from canada, because the 4eat tranny had busted the inner shaft. Having found no replacement and being 2 lazy to order the part (or too cheap) from overseas he, instead, left the car by the mechanic who had been doing some engine work on it as well..now fast forward about 6 years where I find said GL-10 peaking out in the bush it was slowly becoming a part of. The engine was missing, the seats were missing but everything else was there, all the glory parts I'd been lusting after since I joined USMB (coincidence? I think not ;-) disc brakes, 18mm rear sway bar, 4wd, power everything, and look! Same interior color as my car! So I rapidly arrange to move it and do, get it mostly stripped of the sweet bits on the outside, then tackle the inside. So finally I get to that nice tilt steering column and I remember it still has the key in the ignition, So I take it out and shove it in my pocket and go about talking the ECU off the column mounts blah blah. So later in the dar I take the key out of my pocket and actually look at it..I musta looked pretty freaky as my jaw fell open..I searched my other pocket for the keys to my DL, worn and copys but still so clear..the keys were identical, every curve and notch matched, in one hand I held my DL key, worn, copied, with 'for nissan and subaru' on the side, and in my other I held the key to the GL-10 nice and in better condition and original with subaru logo, L. E. D. and key number..I'm stunned so I go over to my DL stick the GL-10 key in the door and damn if it doesn't turn better than my copy!


So how likely is it that two cars with the same key, sent 2 two different countries would land up sharing parts? Man I was stoked that day :lol:

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Thats pretty cool... I just found out I have been using a nissan key to start my subee:rolleyes: . Probably could stick a house key in it and start it!

Last year I had a $200 '83 GL wagon that you could start with anything -- house key, screwdriver, nail file, etc... You could also take the key out while it was running, if you forgot something and had to run back in the house. Great little car for a few months till the oil pump started leaking (then I took the new snow tires off for my other suby and sold it for $100)

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