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The motor is out... stupid friends... didn't help... had to take the thing out all by myself... back hurts now... anyway does anyone know were one could get replacement bolts for all the ones I have lost during this escapade... the rebuild gets started on thursday.. hopefully will have completed by the end of september... tear down... wait for money... machine heads... wait for money... buy timing belts and head set... wait for money... buy replacements for anything I broke... rebuild... Get the title.. and register Wait for money....



Like I said... I am going to need a few replacement bolts for stuff that has just dissapeard... should I just go to a pap and yank said boltS? and then say there was nothing I needed?




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the "borrowing" of bolts fromt the PAP is a hotley debated issue, some things i don't mind taking, but i try to pay for most stuff, cause if they loose too much business then they go out of business.


as for bolts, i don't think any of ours are torque to yeild so you should be ok,

head and block bolts may be worth getting new though if your getting more boost or higher compression.

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