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Disconnecting rear driveshaft '94 Loyale Manual

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I need to tow my 4WD, Manual Loyale wagon about 1000km on a dolly - Motor Vehicle Branch here threatened licensing issues for weight if I attach a flat bed trailer to the back of the Uhaul truck... So it looks as though I need to disconnect the rear drive. Is it better to do the halfshafts on each side of the diff, or the driveshaft itself? Just how difficult is this? What "special tools" do I need for it? And is there an easy way to tie the driveshaft/s in place so I don't leave them behind





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If it were an automatic, something would need to be done.


And that something is to take a couple 12mm wrenches (IIRC) and remove the 4 bolt/washer/nuts at the differential flange and the same stuff from the flange at the center bearing, and just remove the rear section of driveshaft altogether.

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You do not need to disconnect the driveshaft on an old 4WD Subaru. Make sure its in 2WD (which is front wheel drive on these vehicles) and you are fine.


What about lubrication inside the gearbox/transfer box?


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