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Some of cars I've driven seem to shake when the tranny is in gear, but not moving. I noticed this on the 95 and 96 Legacy...but I don't remember it in the 96-97 outbacks. It is definately not present in the 97 Legacy...that engine seems to run a lot smoother than the early 2.2L. I have noticed that all early 2.2L seem to shake more at idle, in park than other engines. Just throwing it out there. Can't be engine mounts on all of them...suspect thats just the way they are?

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mostly.. it IS the engine mounts


engine mounts are a wear item, and they wear suprisingly quickly


STi group n stiffened mounts will help combat most of that shaking


of course, these apply to newer (1997 - on) models only




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Think I will take a look at the mounts from now on. I think one can usually see when they are worn. Does it do any damage not to change them?


well once they crack/totally wear, the engine can be damaged by all the shaking about


it's best to swap them once they wear down.



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mostly.. it IS the engine mounts


engine mounts are a wear item, and they wear suprisingly quickly


STi group n stiffened mounts will help combat most of that shaking


of course, these apply to newer (1997 - on) models only






As in, you can only get group N mounts for 97+ Subarus?


I was under the impression that all EJs mounted the same. There are people I know of with 90-94 Legacies with gN mounts.

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if thats true, maybe I will grab the mounts of my 91 legacy and put them on the 96..if I buy it. the 91 legacy engine doesnt have the same shaking in drive problem as the 96...but then I guess the rubber goes bad with time...maybe not.

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Regarding: "STi group n stiffened mounts will help combat most of that shaking


of course, these apply to newer (1997 - on) models only"


where do I find these STi group mounts? Is that a brand name? OEM? No clue, like you said, may not fit 96 anyway, but would like to know.


I spoke too soon on the replacing of engine mounts. On most cars..not subarus, its an easy job. I can't even find the engine mounts on my 2.2L. Where are they!?

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They're group N mounts, made by Subaru/STi. You can buy them at places like boxer4racing and allsubaru.com. They're made of harder rubber than the stock mounts, and can usually be bought for much less than stock mounts from a dealership. I went in to buy some new mounts to put in when I had my transmission replaced, and they wanted something like $90 per mount. You can get both GN mounts for like $110.


You can use the 91 mounts, but they're even older, and fluid filled, and for all I know could fall apart when you remove them. There are usually used sets available on nasioc for cheap off WRXs.


Here they are at Oakos, a place I've had good experience with ordering online. Sold out, though.

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The price I got was from a dealer, and at 1stsubaruparts.com, the price for everything is about $170, which is about the same as they told me. Doesn't really make sense that the fancy group N parts would be less, but dealerships are like that, I guess.


Yeah, the engine is going to have to come off the mounts and be lifted up a bit. I don't know how much flexibilitly there is in the rest of the drivetrain and such or if you'd have to loosen up the transmission or something.

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'91 mounts wont fit a '96.



Why not?


There are square solid rubber mounts, and cylindrical gel-filled mounts. If you put cylindrical gel filled mounts on a car with square ones or vice-versa, you just have to take the brackets as well. They might look different and have a different part number, but they will still fit perfectly.

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WAWalker...can you tell me more about the torque converter shudder possibility? It only does it in drive with car sitting still. don't notice any torque converter lock up problems when I hit the magic 40-45 mph. I suppose it could also be a tune up issue...but don't feel it in park, so probably not. If it is torque converter shudder...what does that mean? Is it anything to worry about? Can it be easily fixed...or is it an R&R transmisison, replace TC kind of job? Planning to decide to buy or walk away from this car tomoorrow!

I've only noticed this shaking in 95 and 96 2.2L legacies...any connection?

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Eh, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Mine shakes a bit, and does it more if the transmission's low on fluid. My j/y replacement leaks, but at least it shifts alright, unlike the last one, which didn't like reverse. There haven't been any driveability issues, and it hasn't gotten any worse after 30,000 or so miles.

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WAWalker...can you tell me more about the torque converter shudder possibility? It only does it in drive with car sitting still. don't notice any torque converter lock up problems when I hit the magic 40-45 mph. I suppose it could also be a tune up issue...but don't feel it in park, so probably not. If it is torque converter shudder...what does that mean? Is it anything to worry about? Can it be easily fixed...or is it an R&R transmisison, replace TC kind of job? Planning to decide to buy or walk away from this car tomoorrow!

I've only noticed this shaking in 95 and 96 2.2L legacies...any connection?


My 95 Legacy Automatic does the exact same thing. Sometimes when you come to a stop and are in Drive it shakes so much I shift to neutral. Other times it does not shake at all. I looked into this a while back and saw some info about the front axles being redesigned to prevent this, but I am not sure. I have had the car for 8 years and it has always done this, and has not gotten worse.

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I have heard something about the axles causing this shake also. Don't know the details on this though. I do know that they changed the DOJ. Not sure what MY the new axle were first installed in, but I know that 2000 on have the new DOJ. My wife had a 2003 Legacy SE, auto trans. Purcased brand new, it had the same shake.


There are addatives that are supposed to reduce torque converter shudder, but I have never used them. If they work like the addatives that people claim to fix transfer clutch bind..............I would be scepitcal.

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