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Wcss7 pictures

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Hi Everybody This is Jerry, i was looking at the Wcss7 show pictures and i have to thank all the people that took pictures of my hatch back. For those people that haven't seen my old school hach you can find it on the link of Wcss7 pictures and look for subarujunkies post. Click on the pictures and you will see album of Jibs thats it the maroon hatch with the cragars and side pipes now thats old school. What do you think of it? Thanks Jerry BTW Thanks to ALL the people that took the pictures.

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That's just the ticket for my '86! I would love to have stacks, but seats and a rollbar don't leave any room. Jerry, I set a PM for details on the side pipes. Looks sharp, I love the wheels! I got the chrome wagon wheels from boobaru and they look very nice on the '78. My favorite color is chrome! :)

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It DID sound good. that's the first thing I heard when I pulled up to the show was someone's car revving up way loud. I thought it was a truck or something cause the hatch was hidden behind all these other cars, then we walked over and saw it. I was surprised. It doesn't sound like a ricer for sure.

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haha cool. i cant stand the sound of ricersicon9.gif


i agree,nothing worse then the sound of those fart cannons going down the street.my opinion is that the sound from the exhaust should be felt in your chest


:brow: hopfully that's how mines gonna sound.


btw=those side pipes are way to cool :headbang:

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