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ea81 carb'd air filters discontinued?

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seems like the ea81 oval has been discontinued,

up till last winter i was finding them for 4-6 bux...

none of the places i used to go to have them anymore.


blank spot in all the catalogs. :P

they still sell the flat SPFI filters...


anyone else notice this or have i overlooked an obvious source


im in minnesota

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When I am having a hard time or need interchange info I use the catalog at www.rockauto.com to see what is commonly available and/or get part numbers. I normally prefer to buy my parts over the counter as usually want them NOW but prices on rockauto look pretty good if you can wait for shipping.

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there's a place in DSM called "City Brake/Import Auto Parts" and I just got 2 from them. they use different suppliers than the chain stores, and they always have the right parts if I ever need to specify stuff for a '85+ ea81 too....

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