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Good deal? (96 Legacy L Sedan AWD)

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I just bought from a co-worker a 96 Legacy L Sedan AWD 5 speed. It has 120,000 miles on it. The body is in fair shape with a few parking lot scrapes and scratches, but nothing major. She said it might need a clutch becasue sometimes when driving hard it "pops" when shifting from 1st to 2nd. The clutch felt very good and shifted no problem, I didn't drive it hard, just as I would in every day driving. i don't see myself replacing the clutch anytime soon. What is wrong:


There seems to be a small oil leak. It ahd been sitting for a week and there was only a few drops under the car, she said it needs oil added a litle here and there. I didn't pin point where it was coming from, but from what I've read here, this is nothing new and nothing to not buy this because of.


The hood doesn't stay locked down, just lever that locks in is holding it. I'll try adjusting the levelers.


I paid $1500. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated



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The car will have oil leaks...they are pretty cheap to get fixed. You got a good deal on the car. Having a new clutch installed will run you about $800 - $900 (in my experience). It might just need adjusted...so look into that before getting a new one.


Good luck.

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Once a year??? no problem. love the WD40!


You guys are making me feel good about this. I'm selling my gas loving 99 explorer. I like the truck, but with gas prices the way they are, I'm making the switch. Besides, i think subbies are more my speed and mentality. Can't wait to get a 5-speed again!

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Good deal? I think so, for several reasons--1) excellent price, 2) bought from a co-worker whom, I assume, you trust and 3) hey, it's a '96 Subie!


Minor oil leak is no big thing. Would suggest you have the timing belt replaced and, while the front end is opened up, replace the crank & cam seals, have the oil pump re-sealed and even replace the water pump. You'd probably be good for another 100k miles.


The clutch is most likely okay. Just pay attention to it for the next few months and see what you think. Car sounds like it's be worth a new clutch--is it's even necessary.


Hood latch should be no big thing--WD40, lubrication, maybe adjustment, maybe new cable. Worth it.


Overall sounds like a good deal.


Welcome to the board, you'll find a lot of helpful souls here. And best of luck!

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Thats a steal at the price you got it at, even if you have to spend another thousand buxx you have yourself a reliable and fun to drive car. BTW if you dont want to keep the car I'll be glad to take it off your hands:)

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I got it today, it actually has 129,000, but thats still okay by me. The car drives straight, smooth and feels good. The clutch seems fine, but it does somethings I'm not used to. When you first take off from first, it seems to buck a little almost skip a bit. Like its hard to get a real smooth start. You're almost better off giving it more gas than trying tio finess it. But it shifts smooth, goes into all gears easy and the pedal is light to the push. When I'm shifting at higher speeds (say about 20 or 30) something is making a reving or perhaps slught growling noise when the clutch is pressed in. Its minor, but it got my attention. The engine doesn't rev higher, perhaps its the throw out bearing.... I don't know.

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Sounds like a great deal. Invest a little bit of the money you saved and do some tweaking on the car, as some have mentioned. My 95 2.2 Legacy wagon has 170,000 miles on it and I've had no major problems with it. I wish mine were a 5 speed...

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