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HELP: EJ25 DOHC Head Bolt Removal

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In the middle of doing the head gaskets on a 96 EJ25 DOHC. How much force should be required to remove the head bolts? I pulled everything apart down to where all I need to do is unbolt the heads. When I went to unbolt the head I got about 1/8 turn on each bolt with a 16" breaker bar and after that I'm putting almost every ounce of force I have on them and they don't seem to want to move. Is this common? What should I do? Help!



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That does sound odd since the tightening torque is a sequence of steps with a max of 51 lbs-ft followed by a couple of angle turn specifications. I have never taken off a Subaru head so I don't know if they take a strange set after a few miles/years.


It is possible that someone has used a threadlock in the past; do you know whether this engine has had its heads off before? I would consult with a professional before cranking on that breaker bar. I have found that some dealerships will actually chat with you on the phone and answer such questions readily. I can recommend Liberty Subaru as one such outfit.


If they say that this is not normal, your option may be to cross your fingers and go after the most accessible bolt; in case you do shear it off it will at least be easier to E-Z out. Also, try doing this with the engine warmed up. Since it's aluminum and the bolts are not, they may loosen up. I know, you've got the valve covers off....


Good luck with this and please let us know how you fare.




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I know, you've got the valve covers off....



HAH, that rates up there for understatement of the year. This is the DOHC motor and the bolts sit under the cams. So not only are the valve covers off, but so are the cams, the exhaust, and the intake manifold. :drunk: I wish I could do that but being that I spent 3 hours getting to this point I don't think I could physically get the engine warm and get back the bolts before they cool off.


On a the other note. I do have strong connections to my local dealership and will be calling or stopping in to speak with the shop foeman tomorrow morning. The car has 182k miles on it, and I've got a pretty hefty packet of maintanance records for it and don't see anything to make me believe the heads were ever off. This is very odd to me. I've done a EA18T and the bolts were not like this, and my father's done a few EJ22's that weren't like this. Something doesn't seem right.



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I use a 2' long 1/2" drive breaker bar and have to push with nearly all my weight (140#'s) to bust em loose. Ive torn down at least 25 of them and they are always stubborn, more so if the engine has had head gasket issues.

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I use a 2' long 1/2" drive breaker bar and have to push with nearly all my weight (140#'s) to bust em loose. Ive torn down at least 25 of them and they are always stubborn, more so if the engine has had head gasket issues.


Well, I think I have them broken loose, but to me it seems like they are corroded inside the head. This car does have a head gasket issue, which is why I'm doing it.


How strong are these bolts? How easily could I break one if I put a 2' pipe on a breaker bar? I guess I'm going to try soaking them in penetrating oil?



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They can be quite a pain to get out. I really had to put my weight into it to get the ones off of my ej22t. The bolts should be fine....they're pretty beefy.


Oh I hope! I'm gonna stop and ask the service manager in about 30 inutes and then see what happens! Thanks.

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