TurboSPFI Posted August 21, 2005 Share Posted August 21, 2005 First off, Im late to work by about an hour... So yesterday I'm about 5 miles into my route with my soob and my right rear bearing collapses... Sounded like a brake shoe came loose at first, so I'm like "oh wonderful"... Anyway, So I keep driving, I get to mile 15 or so, noise is gettin really nasty.. all of a sudden, I feel the right rear of my car drop about 4 inches and the tire starts to wobble!! I get out, inspect the car, visually its ok.. btw, its 4am and its dark out (keep that in mind for later) So I get back in the car to move my disabled car out of the way.. It starts rolling fine again.. no noises.... Go about 10 more miles... and that nasty noise comes back... I keep saying to myself and the soob "cmon, jus get r dun! and get home!" well, i get another 5 miles or so... I stop for a "tubestop" that consists of about 25-30 of those newspaper boxes.. So I get out of the car, I'm filling these tubes up and I look at the right rear tire... Its smoking from the hub! I reach down to feel it and can feel the heat about a foot away from the rim.. The paint on the rim is bubbling... So Im all "oh wonderful".... Just then, some friends of mine show up.. im all "OH WONDERFUL!" (in a good way this time!).. I ask em for help to finish up.. They agree, so I move my car to a pullout that was just ahead.. We go about a mile and this girl fishtails and goes into the ditch at about 50 miles per hour.. I find out they're drunk! I start cussin out the woman driver for being a dumb ***** (i edited this btw).. and the dude in the car starts to act like I'm in the wrong for being pissed off and starts talking his smack.. So I ended up fist fighting my drunk friend in the street.. Im all "screw this" and start walking home (uhmm.. roughly 12-13 miles from where I was)... So they start driving next to me @ 5 miles per hour trying to get me to get back in the car.. (I know I missed the part where they got out of the ditch, its kinda irrelavant)... So I take a bee-line directly into the woods, I hike through the woods about 5 miles and finished up the rest on the road... Get home, grab tools to go back to car, get a ride there, blah blah, tear it all apart after fighting rusted CV's, the back nut on the swing arm that lets that inside bearing wouldnt come off, etc.. just gettin royally tested by this car.. anyway, i Finally get this dang nut off the back that lets the inner bearing come out, and i find out the whole bearing race has been destroyed! Anyway, after this whole mess, I figure out that I have the whole swing arm assembly at the house thats already assembled.. So I go home, get it, go back out to the car, put it in, bleed the brakes and Go home.. Get home, brother wants me to help him with brakes on his car Get that done, find out theres a friend in distress out in the woods... Subaru saves their day.. I go home, by this time its about 11pm, I pass out, Wake up late for work again So I had about 36 hours of pure BLAH! If you've read up to this point, yer probably like.. uhh, who cares.. but thanks for stickin with my story *moral of story.. well, there isnt one.. sorry, just had to discribe how far a subaru went on a collapsed bearing!!* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scoobywagon Posted August 21, 2005 Share Posted August 21, 2005 Glad your Soob didn't let you down when it counted. Gotta watch the fist fighting, though. HOpe the next week goes better than this one seems to have. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Humble Nuto 53 Posted August 21, 2005 Share Posted August 21, 2005 HAHAHAHA, omg, my guts hurt. ive had nights like that too... sorry to hear it visited you (just glad im not alone) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurboSPFI Posted August 21, 2005 Author Share Posted August 21, 2005 No, the soob failed.. I was the one who passed the test here. I usually dont have a problem with fighting, I just hate it when its with friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JonOfScio Posted August 21, 2005 Share Posted August 21, 2005 hey man, we've all had rough days, but that sounds like that's really rough! Best of luck to ya in the future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FirstSubaruGLwagon Posted August 22, 2005 Share Posted August 22, 2005 I have had worse days,,, however, never one with as many events as you went through,,, man i would need 2 days off just to de-stress LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bucky92 Posted August 22, 2005 Share Posted August 22, 2005 I feel your pain!!!been in a similar situation before (but not getting into a fight with a drunk friend) with the car out on route. I did your job for 6 years..had a 100 mile a day route..at the time i had a Plymouth Acclaim ( bought it cheap and it really wasnt so bad)used to go through front brakes very very frequently. I had times where I would drop a pad on the route...got good at changing them on the side of the road. (took a whole 15 minutes). But I spent a few nights hoofin it home...FI on the van crapped out,head cracked in the Acclaim finally went,tranny in the Taurus ( should have known that was going to happen). Hope all gets better for ya. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurboSPFI Posted August 22, 2005 Author Share Posted August 22, 2005 Hahaha, Its continued through the weekend... it just hasnt been my weekend at all!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hondo Posted August 22, 2005 Share Posted August 22, 2005 wow. epic. great story. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweet82 Posted August 22, 2005 Share Posted August 22, 2005 When it rains... Sorry to hear of your troubles. Sounds like things are better now though? I hate those days, Glenn 82 SubaruHummer 84 GL Mad Max 01 Forester Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorganM Posted August 22, 2005 Share Posted August 22, 2005 Sounded like a long night and a rough weekend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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