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Replaced crankshaft pulley and key

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Hi guys this is simply a repost of a post that I posted but I never recieved any post feedback hence, this repost because I need any advice that I can get:)


"Ok well 2 days ago I picked up my 97OBW from my mechanic, as mentioned before my crankshaft pulley was shaking and my belt fell off. Upon initial inspection my mechanic told me I need a key and pulley, then he calls me and tells me that the crank was bent. This might as well be a foreign language to me because even though I can do my own oil changes, tune ups replacement of alternator I am really not anywhere close mechanically as you guys here on the forum.


Long story short mechanic told me to get a used engine, I have had terrible experiences with used engines in the past and would rather not bother. I know my current engine is strong and mechanically perferct except for this problem. So then he tells me if I dont get used engine 90% chance the crankshaft pulley will get ruined again.


SO I just decided to roll the dice and have him install the key and pulley and told him to TORQUE it properly. So when I picked up the car he told me he torqued it till he couldnt move it no more around 120lbs.


So now I have a car for sale:) hahahaa just kidding, I love all my soobies rather drive them to the grave than sell. But I am worried about this damn crank issue, it seems totally fine now, are there any post precautions that I can take here? I.E. every week re-torque or tighten the damn thing? I live in NYC and to find a well versed Subaru mechanic is not that easy and for the 2 dealers that I know of are always booked solid for weeks. Has anyone gone thorugh this headache here and can throw me some advice would be really appreciated as all your comments in the past have been. thanks"

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It would indeed be prudent to check it visually - while the engine is running (is it beginning to wobble?) - and manually (push and pull) - when the engine is stopped - evey day for a couple of week. I suspect you're doing that already.

After that maybe check the torque with a torque wrench once in a while.

If the torque wrench clicks at 120 ft/pds without the bolt moving = all is well. If the bolt moves BEFORE the torque wrench clicks, I would then remove the bolt, smear some red Locktite on it and retorque at 140 ft-pds.

Only my opinion.

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