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RX has new toys...


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First, its running again.


Second, 9.5:1 shortblock under the factory turbo stuff. Stock boost, setup as the 1985~1986 spec boost control...aka a line going from compressor cover to the wastegate actuator.


Third, SuperPro front control arm, leading rod, and rear trailing arm bushings.


Fourth, special custom fab peice to give the RX a TON more castor utilizing a 'spacer' with the leading rod. It handles SO much better when combined with #3 up there.


Fifth, new decal scheme comming soon...featuring WJM Rallye Sport, Top Speed, imprezagirl.com, and a few others. Nothing big and fancy or flashy, but just some items on the car to recognize sponsors and support....in the meantime it only features SCCA Solo2/ProSolo required decals for SM Class competition.


Thats all for now....pics would be posted but I cant find my USB camera cable. :banghead:

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