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Yahooo with 2.2


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The swapping deed is done (97 OB) and, dang, that 2.2l sings sweet music. Took me two weekends to pick up the engine (from a junkyard), replace all the seals and gaskets and water pump and oil pump, disconnect that bloody 2.5l, snatch the nightmare out of the engine bay, and put the new-old one in its place.


Only a few niggling problems with leaks that now are fixed.


Runs like a dream.


Thanks, Meeky and all the rest, for your many posted ideas. This has saved me more than $2,500 and now I have a car that should be reliable for 2-3 more years.


The junker had 95k on it and a carfax check indicated decent treatment. It ran well in the old car and had 175 at all cylinders on a compress check.

I really sweated whether it was worth putting an old and unknown engine in as compared to a nice CCR rebuild. Couldn't afford the latter. Couldn't afford the former either if it punked on me.


Won the dice roll this time.

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