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Brat went through emissions testing today. Some good news and some bad news.

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Leadfoot, since your a mechanic, any tips on getting an 87 GL WGN (1.8L) to pass the Cruise (speed) part of the emissions test. The CO limit is 1.2 and we're coming in at 1.44. I work at a body shop in Seattle and we picked this up WGN for a song and we're trying to make it a parts runner, but having problems getting it to pass emissions. We have a mech, but he mostly does suspension work. We're thinking it might just be fuel 'cuz it's been sitting a lot. It passes the idle test with room to spare. I'm also thinking the carb just needs to be rebuilt. Wadda ya think.


  leadfootracin said:
the gas cap test is to make sure you have one, on the filler neck. one of the old tests washington had was to measure the diameter of the filler neck to make sure that you hadent enlarged it to accept a leaded fuel nozzle. I repair cars for a living in wa for the past 20 yrs and ed is right, after the state hired subcontracters for emission testing it whent downhill.
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I went through the same thing years ago when they started the E-Check here in SW Ohio.


The person pulled my 87 wagon onto the rollers and set the emergency brake. When she let out on the clutch it stalled. I watched her repeat this twice more until I realized what was going on and ran out to stop her. The E-Check manager came over real quick and asked me to get back into the waiting area. I got into a verbal pissing match with him, when I tried explaining that Subaru`s emergency brake locks the front wheels. This guy was in denial and claimed that he had never heard of a set-up like that. Then he insisted on pulling the car up and running the back wheels on the roller. I told him that would`nt work either since she would have to engage the 4wd system to do this. Finally after this guy started taking a reality check, they just inserted a wand in the exhause pipe and held the tach at 3K to get their readings. 2yrs later, I took it in again and they asked me if it was a Subaru??? DUH!!! Apparently, somewhere at one of the E-Check stations they had a accident while testing a AWD vehicle and reserched into what vehicles could be tested on the roller and what vehicles could`nt. They had it programmed into their computers to red flag those on the list that had to be tested with a wand. No more problems after that.


As of Dec.31 2005, they closed down all of the E-Check stations in SW Ohio.

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I have the answer for you. Go to the Emissions place on 6th Ave. South (about 1/2 south of Spokane St. On an adjacent street right next door to the emissions place you'll find a van parked with emissions testing gear inside. The tech is named Warren and he charges $40 plus tax to get your rig to pass emissions; if it doesn't pass he doesn't charge. He is state certified and very good at his job. If he can't get it to pass he can usually tell you what you need to change to get it through. I've run a dozen or more "beaters" and a few old Subes through his service. Make sure you bring the Failed emissions form. You can't go wrong with him.

  ZRXRider said:
Leadfoot, since your a mechanic, any tips on getting an 87 GL WGN (1.8L) to pass the Cruise (speed) part of the emissions test. The CO limit is 1.2 and we're coming in at 1.44. I work at a body shop in Seattle and we picked this up WGN for a song and we're trying to make it a parts runner, but having problems getting it to pass emissions. We have a mech, but he mostly does suspension work. We're thinking it might just be fuel 'cuz it's been sitting a lot. It passes the idle test with room to spare. I'm also thinking the carb just needs to be rebuilt. Wadda ya think.
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Thanks guys, we'llgive it a shot.




  leadfootracin said:
I dont do emissions, no gas analyzer, ed was right the guy at the 6th ave station can make about anything pass, mid co sounds like a lean misfire, dirty injecters, vacum leak? good luck.
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