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Stuck Disty? / Timing ?s - FIXED... FINALLY!

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Well, I rechecked my timing tonight after o2 sensor, fuel filter, etc. and found that I am at about 25° BTDC. Simple fix I thought, but I loosened the two bolts (the ones with the slotted holes below them) and tried to turn it. No joy. I could not for the life of me turn that disty. Am I missing a bolt/screw? Could this be why I'm stronger at half throttle than full?


Also, my green connector only has one wire on either side. Is this normal, or do I have a loose wire somewhere? That is the connector that has to be connected when timing, correct?


I just want to get this gal running the best I can. Can y'all help???

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Penetrating oil on out side only. apply it to the slotted holes and the collar around the disty stem. The electronics are pretty hardy, so as long as you aren't pounding straight at the cap or body it should be fine. Just whack on the tabs in such a way the force rotates the disty. I did it and my car still runs. :rolleyes:

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So I have been soaking the disty/mount/shaft in PB Blaster the best I can and nothing. I've been driving around with the bolts loose hoping it will loosen up. Nothing. Tonight I took the cap and rotor off and put an old oil filter wrench on the body and tried to twist. NOTHING!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead:


Any other help out there??? Do I have to pull the engine to pry the thing out? Do I need to put the porta-power to it? Am I missing something? Aargh!

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I'm sorry, but I'm not going to say this again.

Man up and use the frickin hammer! Its not the end of the world, you can't get enough of a swing to shatter the aluminum, and it will shift by degrees.


Sorry... forgot to mention that I did use a hammer, at least the best I could. Not much room for a swing you know? Maybe I should use my air hammer??? That would guarantee that I would kill something.


I'm thinking that I'll just have to pull the disty so I can work with it on the bench. How much of a pain is it to get it back in time?

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stuck disty is a pain-and with not having to adjust timing every few thousand miles like you did with points they do tend to get frozen in place. Ahile I have not had a car specificly like yours, I have had a number of stuck distys on a number of cars.


2 suggestions. 1) when engine is hot/warm, spray penetrating oil on disty housing where it enters engine. Idea is engine will be hot and to cool housing so it contracts a little, and allows oil into seam. Then beat to try to rotate, try both directions to break loose. 2) try to pry/beat UP as if you were going to remove the disty from engine-maybe can expose part of mating surface, get some oil on it, push it back down, repeat if needed. I had to do that on my old 84 merc to free it up-timing was fine, but to change ignition module had to rotate disty to get to screws I think.


good luck and let us know

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Soak with PB Blaster... hit with hammer... soak with PB Blaster... drive until hot... soak with PB Blaster... hit with hammer... place crow bar on disty ear so I can hit with a full hammer swing... repeat and...


IT'S FINALLY LOOSE... well, loose enough it moves with a hammer blow so I can change the timing. BUT, it wasn't my problem (more power half throttle than floored). Guess it's time to track down vacuum leaks (read: remove all unnecessary vacuum components).


Thanks for all the help!

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Soak with PB Blaster... hit with hammer... soak with PB Blaster... drive until hot... soak with PB Blaster... hit with hammer... place crow bar on disty ear so I can hit with a full hammer swing... repeat and...


IT'S FINALLY LOOSE... well, loose enough it moves with a hammer blow so I can change the timing. BUT, it wasn't my problem (more power half throttle than floored). Guess it's time to track down vacuum leaks (read: remove all unnecessary vacuum components).


Thanks for all the help!


As far as the half throttle with more power thing. Could this be the fuel pump not working to specs? If you find out what fixes this I would be interested. I think mine does the same thing and someday I will test the fuel pump. I was told that if you disconnect the fuel line to the carb and or from the fuel line and then turn the key on, that if it is a good fuel pump it will squirt out over 4 feet. If it is bad it will only squirt out a couple of feet.

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