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Just to be sure, do you mean side to side or up and down play (rare I think) or, like it is the case usually, radial play (you turn the steering left or right and it moves a bit before the front wheels move) ?

If it's the latter problem, one too often overlooked part of the steering system is the universal joint (in fact there are two, one on top of the other) at the end of the steering column (on the engine's side of the fire wall) just above where it connects to the steering rack (it can be accessed from over the driver's side fender).

I had the radial play problem with my current Legacy and it turned out to be that one of the universal joint connexion was loose. I remember giving the same answer to a poster a couple of years ago (?) and that was exactly his problem. He was looking at replacing the steering rack and a turn of the ratchet solved his problem.

A possiblity to look into.

Hope that helps.

P.-S.: In both cases it was the lower joint that was the culprit (harder to spot at first glance, cause it's partly hidden by the upper one.

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