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93 subaru legacy lsi.

Installing new crank pulley, would like to replace the key as well (pretty worn), but I'm not sure how to get it out? (First timer) Does the pulley behind it (center pic) need to come off as well? Or is there just a trick to getting the key out. Thanks!!!



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While I'm not familiar with that particular engine, Woodruff keys are typically not shared between wheels on the same shaft. The key is usually shaped like the sector of a circle where the arced edge is inserted into the shaft. This is done so that the key can rock and line up with the slot in the wheel that gets pushed on. Otherwise, it would be over-constrained.


If you look at the crankshaft closely, you should be able to see the key. Rotate it till the key is on top, if you don't have a good angle right now. That will allow you to confirm whether the key is indeed separate or not.


To remove the key, first soak it in some penetrating oil like PBlaster and let it sit a couple of hours. Then the trick to dislodging it is to recognize the arc shape and make it rock back and forth by tapping it at one end and then the other (at right angles to the shaft, that is). Use a soft object, such as an aluminum rod rapped by a hammer, to impact the key. After a few raps, it should start moving and eventually come out. Resist the temptation to wedge something between the key and shaft slot, as you could damage the shaft.


Hope this helps,


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I do believe the key is shared by the timing belt pulley and the belt pulley. The timing belt pulley just pulls off. Sometimes a "tap" gives it the extra to get it to slide off. Often the key gets a little burr on it and that keeps the timing belt pulley from sliding off easily.



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