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Who has done 4WD shifter bushings?

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Okay, I'm stumped. My shifter is so bad on the Legacy that I don't even know 100% if I'm in gear anymore.


But I simply do not know how you're supposed to get the entire shifter out without dropping the tranny...


I've tried 3 times before, all in vain...


The last bolt in the linkage before it goes into the tranny, as far as I can tell, simply cannot come out because the tunnel for the tranny and the transfer case get in the way. Those with 2WD have it easy coz there's no transfer case.


Is there some way of wiggling it out? Have to put in in a certain gear for the shifter to be in the right position??


I have to do this soon before the car becomes un-driveable. I have the XT fixed up to the point where I can drive it daily, so the Legacy can sit for a few days, but I still want it fixed!

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