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I'm in the process of finishing the lift kit/5-lug upgrade on my wagon (legacy GR2s, WRX springs/tophats) and I have a small problem with the WRX tophats.


I assembled one strut and a friend assembled the other. One of us installed the tophat 180deg off. Is the hole in the tophat supposed to be inboard or outboard please?


Or, one of the struts "points" straight down and the other leans outboard at the bottom. Which is correct?



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Uh, top to bottom: Top mount, spring perch, rubber isolator, spring, lower isolator, spring perch attached to strut.


So you mean the upper spring perches? I guess when I hear top hat I think of the top mount. In any case, does this help?




This stuff is from a 93 Legacy, but it still works about the same. The strut should lean out a bit.


Oh, are you talking about the front? It's still the same, with the hole for the strut body towards the inside.

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yeah, the top spring perch. i have heard "tophat" used mostly for that part instead. sorry for the confusion. thanks for your picture. I think the WRX perches I have have a hole in the rim which is oriented either inboard or outboard. The center hump is off center like your legacy perches, though, so I will use that as a guide. thanks!

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