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Timing marks on cam sprockets (1996 2.2)

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I am replacing the timing belt, cam seals, oil pump, crank seal, thermostat, hoses and water pump on my wife's 96 Outback 2.2. There are arrows on 1 of the spokes of each cam sprocket but no marks like are pictured in any of the manuals I am reading. There is nothing on the back of the sprocket either. This is an early manufcture 96 (9-95), Before I took things apart I lined up the timing marks on the crank gear and the arrows lined up with the marks on the timing belt cover. But on a Subaru publication (for a 97 to 99 2.2) it shows the arrow off to about the 2:00 position and the mark lining up with the marks on the cover.


Does anybody have experience with this type of cam sprocket?




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This should give you a hand figuring what are the marks you have to take into account. Not the arrows.

Thanks a TON!! I couldn't find the marks as they were covered with a white green and red blob of paint. After looking at the photo in the pdf I went back and started looking. I thought it weird that there not be any marks as all of the manuals and instructions I read all showed marks. Once I knew approxiamtely where to look I could see the little buggers under the paint blobs. I didn't scratch them off until the photos and text in the attachment said to disregard them.


Interestingly enough if you match the arrow on the crank sprocket the arrows on the cam sprocket spokes line up with the marks on the cover. It makes more sense that the timing mark, not the arrows, allow the cam not to have lifter tension.


Gosh, I feel like an idiot but better to ask then to be prideful, do it wrong and be sorry!


Thanks again Frag and Tcspeer,


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