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was driving my 92 subaru when it started running rough and died. had it towed to a local mechanic (friends sent me there, said he was good). here's the thing. he said its the entire timing belt package (water pump, tb tensioner, timing belt itself) but the car had just had all these things replaced only 10k miles ago (by the previous owner). however, the shop that did the job is a fairly sketchy shop (another story) and claim to not even have the records for the car. long story short, i have the paperwork claiming this work was done, but the mechanic that has the car now estimated around $900 to replace these parts. am i gettin ripped? for the timing belt alone he estimated around $400 to replace. told him just take a look at that because those other components should be fairly new. if the timing belt jumped while i was driving, could it have taken the water pump and tensioner with it?


thanx for any and all suggestions!

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That's way too much money.


Timing belt is about $45, and on that car, it should take a max of two hours to do the tbelt alone if the mechanic is any good.


$200-250 is what I would consider normal for the timing belt.


To do the water pump shouldn't be much more labor, 30 min....tops.


I don't see how all those things could cause. Did he take everything apart? If he did, ask him to show you why it's all those things.

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If you have the paperwork take the car back to the 1st shop. They probably didnt replace an idler, didnt slide the tensioner over (only applies to the older style barrel tensioner) or they re-compressed the tensioner incorrectly which would damage it.

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  subiedoobydoo said:
Subaru dealer gets around $600-$650 to do timing belt, water pump, cam and crank seals. If you lived in CT, we would do it for $400. Find yourself a reliable mechanic if you can.


just got off the phone with him. said the bearing on the cam went and killed the belt. cause: the mechanics that did this last year didn't use new parts all around when replacing the timing belt/water pump replacement (in fact, those were the only new parts they used). he quoted me $250/labor and then $491 for the new parts kit (napa) to replace everything once again. he said he'd search around for a cheaper parts kit for the job. any suggestions at this point?


i definitely need to get down there, see the car, but...that was my only car ;). might get a ride from a friend later today. in any case, still too much money?


thanx for the help!


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  cbons said:
just got off the phone with him. said the bearing on the cam went and killed the belt.



Bearing on the cam?? :confused: Last time I looked there are no actual Bearings on the cams. They ride directly on the head with no bearings. They slide into openings in the casting. I think you are still getting BS'ed.



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Take the car some where else. This guy either doesn't know what he's doing, or he's trying to screw you.


Here are the prices I paid for all the parts that you really should replace, or would be "affected"


Timing belt: $43.16

Idler gear: $55.26

Tensioner pulley $83.36

Idler pullies: (2) $59.96 each

Tensioner: $74.90

Water pump: $75.56 (note: this price is for a turbo water pump, yours will probably be slightly less)

Cam seals: probably around $6 each

Crank seal: $5.33


So we're at around $470 right now....and we're using Subaru genuine parts. I can pretty much guarantee he wasn't planning on buying all the stuff I listed above.

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