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So I was at the junk yard salvaging parts from their selection of Subis, and I came across an '83 GL. I cracked open the dash and where there should have been an ECM there was nothing. It was also clear that there had been nothing there.


So the question is, are there '81-'84 Subis that have no ECMs? If so, which ones are they?


I found an ECM for an '84 that had some weird business under the hood with two cables going into one unit out of which came the accelerator cable. What was this, and is it controlled by the ECM?


Any general pointers on ECM cross compatibility would also be appreciated.



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EA81 ECU's are only found on the feedback carburator models (those with california emmissions). All of these have a hitachi carb, but the hitachi also came on regular non-ECU type cars. I have both types on my cars.


The business with the throttle cable you saw was the cruise control system. It's not ECU controlled as far as I know. There is a seperate cruise control unit I believe.


Does your car need an ECU or something? I've never heard of one dying before.



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Thanks for the reply GD,


To tell you the truth I haven't yanked the dash on my car to see if it even has an ECU. It is just something I don't want to have to replace. I found some ECUs at the junkyard, but I won't buy them if I don't have to.


From what you said I don't think my car has an ECU. It is a non-California `84 with a Hitachi carb. One thing I noticed is that it doesn't seem to have an Oxygen sensor anywhere on the exhaust assembly. Is this a good indication that it doesn't have an ECU/ECM either?


I've got an emmissions test coming up. I hope they cut me some slack based on the car's age.

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my '88 hatch, is kinda an odd one.


Early 1988 hatch. You think... hmm.. probably good for an EA82 in there. Nope, it has an EA81.


And it has quad head lights. Like that from an 84. All the parts on my car are EA81, and if I ever order parts, I HAVE to order '84 hatch parts.


So, I've got the hitachi, 02 sensor, and the ECU in my car.

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