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I have a friend who is driving her car with water only...due to massive coolant leak at water pump, as long as the car does not overheat, is it okay? Or can the water boiling cause a problem in itself?


I'd expect this to lead to corrosion problems very quickly. maybe, if she insists, she could at least find some aftermarket corrosion inhibiter to mix in? best to get things fivexd, do a throurough flush, and get the green stuff back in pronto!



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Yep, the rust thing is a problem like Texan says. Also, winter frost will crack the engine block since water contracts at 4 degrees C and then starts to expand as it freezes!


DUH! I feel stupid for not mentioning the whole winter thing! Here in Texas that seems so far away! I was thinking short term but, yeah - depending on where she lives (doesn't everyone live in Texas? lol!) winter is gonna destroy her car before the rust does! But the rust has already begun.


"Rust Never Sleeps"



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I was running water only on my EA81 and the freeze plugs in both heads corroded through and it leaked all the water into the crancase oil.


It was a mystery where the water was going until I did an oil change. Then the light came on.

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