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ea 81 hitachi carb variations

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I just got this other carb for my car and it looks to be the same except for a few differences the automatic choke has screws instead of rivits holding the cover on, the bigest difference i can see though is that my old carb has one tube coming out diagonaly above the primary venture but not above the secondary, while the new carb that will be going in has two tubes one over the primary and one over the secondary. Can any one tell me what the tubes are for and if they mater in swaping carbs.

Thanks, Glen

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Thinking those tubes are bowl vents, haven't seen one (myself) with 2 though, so not totally sure on that.


Srews on choke housing would indicate that someone has replaced something under the cover; choke spring, heater. Or that the carb itself has been rebuilt at some time.

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