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Cherry bomb muffler??

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Hi all, may have another stoopid q? What is a cherry bomb muffler? Iwant to change the stock on my gl with a non-expensive muff. Does it have another name? Im in New zealand, so it may have a different name? I use to have a straight through on my first sub, sounded amazing!! Just wondering, always wondering???

Cheers in advance

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  peterattray said:
Hi all, may have another stoopid q? What is a cherry bomb muffler? Iwant to change the stock on my gl with a non-expensive muff. Does it have another name? Im in New zealand, so it may have a different name? I use to have a straight through on my first sub, sounded amazing!! Just wondering, always wondering???

Cheers in advance


their called Hot-dogs or Coby's here

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Glass-pack was a generic name for any tubular, fiberglass filled, muffler.


Now someone has copyrighted the name and are selling cheap regular mufflers under the brand name "Cherry Bomb".


I have a "Cherry Bomb" turbo II on my buggy but it's just a regular muffler that didn't cost much.


A DOG's is a true glass pack which is still sometimes referred to as a Cherry Bomb.

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Never had a cherry bomb, or a glass pack. I've always just cut the muffler off and put a econo "turbo" muffler on. They kinda suck, so I just put a piece of pipe to the back where the muffler goes. Sounds all poppy and crappy, so I think the glass pack would help resonate the sound a bit. I have heard (don't know if it's fact, and my father told me this, so they may be better than the one's they had in 79' lol) that glass packs blow out after a while.


I'm going to put a cherry bomb on my Brat once I get it smogged though.



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morganm you are biassed cuz you had two, with dual exhaust. that sucked alot.


i have one on my silver hatch and i cut off the end, so it looks like a stinger on a bug vw stickin out the back.


i like thrush brand glasspacks better. they are only about 5 dollars more. but dont come painted red...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 1 and a half inch pipe off my heads going to the middle "muffler" (manual calls it a muffler, might be a cat tho.) then 2" all the way back to a stock looking 2" in 2" out muffler. Idle doesn't quite beat a v8 but when I take off it makes v8's sound like crap :lol:

I dunno what's in the middle "muffler" (if there is anything in it at all) or what the rear muffler is made with. It just sounds wicked!


I haven't liked the "cherry bomb" style mufflers much. A friend had one on a straight 6 old ford. It would do that back fire thing when you come off the throttle that my subie does, only it done it way too loud and kinda didn't sound right. Also it was a very loud drive. But all the squeeks, rattles, exahust leaks, and way too stiff suspension makes my drive louder, not that i mind...


You just can't beat a EA81 for sound. (don't try and convince me other wise please, it won't work! ;):-p)

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  peterattray said:
Hi all, may have another stoopid q? What is a cherry bomb muffler? Iwant to change the stock on my gl with a non-expensive muff. Does it have another name? Im in New zealand, so it may have a different name? I use to have a straight through on my first sub, sounded amazing!! Just wondering, always wondering???

Cheers in advance


Drop it off after the Y pipe, or for you out there in TV land extend the exhaust all the way to behind the doors (requirement for inspection here)


Punch out the first half of your CatConverter


Single bafle straight pipes off your heads...


All the above will make you sound like the BOMB.......


I have Y-pipe--->punched cat---->2" pipe---->stock mufler---->every tom d@#! and harry looking at me as I shoot past them on the highway doing 80 in my 85 brat.. And I like the sound.. not too loud but loud enough to scare someone who isn't expecting the backfire at the punced cat....

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