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Cleaning heads

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I got some good ideas here: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40245&highlight=head+clean


if I had to do it again... probably use a pocket knife (rounded tip) to carefully scrape the high points of the gasket material off.


Then I would use 800ish grit sandpaper with WD-40 on a plate of glass (or similar flat object) and use round motions(wax on/wax off :)) to wear the gasket material off.


good luck

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Thanks for the reply.

Im ok with the gasket material,its the baked on hard black stuff down inside the galleries Im after.When I was a kid,we used stuff cauled caustic soda,but cant find it anymore and anyway they were Iron heads and would stand a lot more abuse.BTw the big subject for discussion that time was if we could put a man on the moon.


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When I did mine (just a few weeks ago now) I used a 1" putty knife with a soft blade to get the big stuff off, and then a green scotchbrite pad (synthetic steel wool) to get the small stuff off. It took a little while, but I was able to get the head surfaces looking pretty dang good.


I had a razor blade scraper handy just in case, but I never really needed it. The putty knife had a bit of a bevel built-in, and it worked just fine.


Take your time (if you can) and enjoy the process. It was nice to also take before-and-after photos, so I can really remember the difference.

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For the head mating surfaces and the chambers, 3M makes special cleaning disks you can chuck into your drill. They are some sort of impregnated plastic/rubber stuff that works wonderfully. There are three different grades: Green for iron, yellow for aluminum, and I don't know what the white is for.


For cleaning the ports and stuff, remove the valves, hose the ports with brake cleaner, and use a small wire brush. It can't get everything out, but it's darn close.

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