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If only all my problems could be this minor. My '03 VDC OBW has a very nice McIntosh stereo system that requires a push of the volume knob to provide extra light when reading the tuning band during daylight operation. Long story short...., the "brighten" feature doesn't work anymore, leaving the dial setting dark durring daytime operation. Very annoying. Simple problem I suspect, that will cost $$$ to fix. (cars outa warranty). Any McIntosh owner had this problem, and tell me what to expect to pay to fix it?


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http://www.mcintoshlabs.com/ get ahold of McIntosh, they should be able to at least find you a service center, I'm not sure if McIntosh stuff has a lifetime warranty or not...

I know that a McIntosh head unit is about 800 bucks lol maybe more, saw one used on ebay buy it now for $725


but if you decide not to have it fixed and just change to a different head unit, I'll take it off yer hands :D

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