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burned out brake pads

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Yikes. I've done that before, and actually broke the caliper because the pad was so worn out (according to the shop). I am more inclined to believe that breaking the caliper was due to hitting a large rock with that wheel while four wheeling through a snow covered creek, but in any case, I had to replace the pads, caliper, and rotor.

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Heh, I wouldnt worry about the rotors too much. I've had a few cars that I bought, only reason why they were sold to me was because the brakes made "funny" noises. Come to find out, on 3 of them, the pads had worn down completely to the backing plate and chewed the hell out of the rotors. One rotor was paper thin on the inner surface.


On Haggard, I ran it with the original rotors until a few weeks ago. I was chewin through brake pads, but they'd still work.


Either way, its 25 bucks a rotor for new ones. just make sure your calipers will screw back in before you toss out the old pads. I had one caliper that was seized up, so I had to keep using the old pads til I had money for a used caliper.

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We had a customer come in and said his brakes were making funny noises...the caliper piston had worn all the way through on side of the rotor and when we told the kids mom what we found she told us that "right when it starting making weird noises he brought it in" .... i call bs there had to of been really harsh noises before that.

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my hcevy ate a rotor about six months ago the clue's it gave me for the last 500 miles of it's life were metal shavings every where loud grinding while breaking voilent tremors through the brake pedal and a mild case of nausea this had nothing to do with the brakes


oh yeah those are certainly some well loved brake pads

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