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Ouch! Bye Bye to the 98 GT??? (Pics)

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The oversteer got her (Jessica) ... and she put it into a telephone pole makin' a hard 90 into our neighborhood...


SmashGT6.thumb.jpg SmashGT5.thumb.jpg


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Only 1/2 a mile from our house... I had to put the spare on there to tow it home (with the RX) Forgot to take pics of the damage wheel... Jessica is okay.. she is having some minor back pains that we will keep an eye on. We have to wait for the claims adjuster to come out and take a look at it I guess. I have mixed feelings about it... I love the car... it's great.. but at the same time it would be kind of good for us if they total it out.. (Cheaper insurance.. etc..) Maybe if they total it out I can do buy back and part it out.. and afford an SVX or somethin. We'll see what happens... I'll keep everyone posted. -Eli-

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The insurance is being great about it all.. We have pretty good full coverage... we will take Jessica to see a doctor if the pain persists... we may take her anyway just because we can... I've been in a few pretty good accidents, so I know the drill. Thanks for the thought tho!

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it`s good to hear she`s alright.looks like a pretty hard hit.did the air bags go?i`d put money on it that they will total that if you want them to.i see oil on the ground tho:( if you bought it back for a couple hundred, you might be able to fix it of course, thats up to you.take care, and tell Jessica to feel better!



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the air bags never deployed. I didn't hit hard enough. The pole didn't get damaged either, but even if it did the insurance would cover that, too. i get to take my first driving class and that'll clean this mess off my record. Not like i don't deserve it there, it was my own stupidity, however everybody likes a clean record:grin: . It's not oil you see there on the ground, it's coolant. There is no such thing as a radiator left in that car. There was all kinds of steam coming out of the hood that this idiot thought it was smoke and thought my car was on fire. He rushed up to me yelling "get away! your car is on fire!" and me being shook up enough as it is started crying because i never want to see a Suby burn and ran across the street and I turned and looked and saw steam. I told him "thank you for letting me know, but it's ok it's just steam, my car is not on fire." All the people there were very cool, event he guy i nearly hit was being awesome, i wouldn't have blamed him if he came up to me yelling and screaming, no doubt i pissed him off, but he was still great about it. The steam did clear up pretty quickly, i hardly remember it there for more than 2 minutes, but that could just be me, i dunno. Thanks to all of you for being so cool, probably in the future I can have the time to come on here more and get some good driving pointers from all of you:-p god knows i'll need them LOL:banghead: .






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I have to wonder, though, why any driver on a public road would push it hard enough to have enough understeer to not be able to miss a telephone pole. There's race tracks for that. Good thing she only took herself out. She could just have easily committed vehicular homicide.


Where's a cop when you need a cop?

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I have to wonder, though, why any driver on a public road would push it hard enough to have enough understeer to not be able to miss a telephone pole. There's race tracks for that. Good thing she only took herself out. She could just have easily committed vehicular homicide.


Where's a cop when you need a cop?


First of all, she wasn't "pushing it". She just didn't slow down to make the corner.. mostly because she had a long hard day at work and a fever of 102. Second of all, isn't it OVER steer when you turn more than is needed and understeer when you drift wider than you meant to? Third of all.. there was a cop on the scene and she did get a failure to reduce and control speed. That is why she has to go driving school. This thread isn't here for you to talk badly about my fiance'. This thread is here so people can see the damage to our car. If you don't have anything nice to post here, don't post here.

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First of all, she wasn't "pushing it". She just didn't slow down to make the corner.. mostly because she had a long hard day at work and a fever of 102. Second of all, isn't it OVER steer when you turn more than is needed and understeer when you drift wider than you meant to? Third of all.. there was a cop on the scene and she did get a failure to reduce and control speed. That is why she has to go driving school. This thread isn't here for you to talk badly about my fiance'. This thread is here so people can see the damage to our car. If you don't have anything nice to post here, don't post here.


well spoken.. the last thing you guys need is a lecture.





you'll be getting lectured enough in class :D

i'm glad everyone's ok, however it brings a tear to my eye to see a 2nd gen legacy in that condition.

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First of all, she wasn't "pushing it". She just didn't slow down to make the corner.. mostly because she had a long hard day at work and a fever of 102. Second of all, isn't it OVER steer when you turn more than is needed and understeer when you drift wider than you meant to? Third of all.. there was a cop on the scene and she did get a failure to reduce and control speed. That is why she has to go driving school. This thread isn't here for you to talk badly about my fiance'. This thread is here so people can see the damage to our car. If you don't have anything nice to post here, don't post here.


1) Fist of all, like many others here, I'm sincerely glad that neither the driver nor any innocent passer by was hurt seriously in that accident.

2) However, I must disagree with what SuBrat84 writes here inasmuch as members and posters on this board are not only and unidimensionnaly Subaru car owners, drivers and mechanics, but also human beings (some of which have children that often have to cross steets). If someone can be permitted to tell about tears being brought to his eyes at the sight of a damaged automobile, I think one can also be permitted to comment on the human aspect of an accident that has been unecessarily (if the point was discussing the car's damage) described here in every detail. Nevertheless, I think it is a good thing that the driver seems to take full responsibility for her actions and is conscious that she was lucky that the outcome was not much more dreadfull. All is well that ends well ?

My ethical two cents lecture.

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However, I must disagree with what SuBrat84 writes here inasmuch as members and posters on this board are not only and unidimensionnaly Subaru car owners, drivers and mechanics, but also human beings (some of which have children that often have to cross steets). If someone can be permitted to tell about tears being brought to his eyes at the sight of a damaged automobile, I think one can also be permitted to comment on the human aspect of an accident that has been unecessarily (if the point was discussing the car's damage) described here in every detail.


You make a perfectly valid point. You can understand why I would come to the defense of my significant other though? I just think that guy could have just as easily said something along the lines of: "It is a good thing that no pedestrians or innocent bystanders were injured. Here is a good example of why we should pay more attention to our driving habits." I just felt that the statements that were made were rude and uncalled for in this situation. Kind of like this guy that was driving by and saw an officer sitting there by a couple cars and said "Thanks for getting people to slow down out on Pima St out here!" He didn't even realize that she had just been in an accident.. he thought we were getting speeding tickets! She wasn't racing or speeding or anything. She just didn't slow down to make the right turn. She wasn't used to the oversteer from the rear-sway and strut bar. So instead of making a 90 degree turn at 35mph she made a 110 degree turn into a telephone pole at 35mph. She OVERSTEERED (right?) to avoid drifting into an oncoming car. I am proud of her that she had enough control to avoid hitting anyone that didn't deserve it. She didn't go up on the sidewalk or anything. The poles are real close to the curbs here... Sorry for ranting... I just HATE when people start making assanine(sp?) comments about things without knowing all the facts.


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ok, granted i made a stupid mistake of going 35 mph through a corner, but I DID think of the other people, just because i ONCE drove irresponsibly DOES NOT MEAN I don't think of OTHER people. There was a guy i almost hit...DID i hit him? NO So get off it already and live your own damn lives without having to judge me. I shed tears over the fact i did a stupid thing, not that i 'hurt' a material posession. They come and go, i am perfectly aware of the fact that lives DO not on circumstances you could never know. yes i am being mature about it and realizing my mistakes, who wouldn't be? God forbid i do one damn thing wrong, I mean the last time i checked i am only human and so are you. maybe you haven't hit a stupid pole, but i am sure you have done plenty of more ignorant things in life, so keep your nasty comments to yourself because it's the last thing i need to hear from people who weren't even there. really, what you 'lecturers' remind me of is the guy who was passing by us yelling 'thanks for keeping the speeders off Pima', WHEN I WAS NEVER FREAKING SPEEDING. This thread isn't for you to trash me so if that;'s all you're here to do you might as well not waste your time and close this now. And like Eli said, yes there was a cop there and you know what, HE WAS ON MY SIDE BECAUSE HE KNEW WHAT HAPPENED, and he did his job and gave me that ticket. What else do you want him to do, send me to prison for life for bumping into a pole? And think i haven't had friends in tragic road incidents because i have and that's already been thrown in my face enough as it is. And even the guy i almost hit said THANK YOU to me for NOT HITTING HIM.

Not only that but don't you ever try to throw children in my face, because for the last four damn years I have been raising my sister's kids so i constantly think of whether or not there will ever be kids in danger, that guy could have a wife and kids and I KNOW that and i seriously doubt anyone would have f***ing died by getting hit at 35 mph, the way i was i going, I would have been the one coming out more damaged than him and his HUGE metal Jeep.



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