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Hi im new here and I just recently got a new (well old) subaru. its an 1984 subaru turbo sedan 4wd. That i got for free. In now the 2nd owner. 100,xxx miles. Its got ALL the factory options and all dealer options I MEAN all. cruie ac sunroof power everything . and has a the fenders full of that antirust stuff and sprayed underneath so no rust all all.


Now for my problems:-\ It has no exhust. just the pipe from the turbo and thats it.


No brakes


and it seems like it has no power at all. It revs good but once into drive it just seems like it has no power.


the brakes are muchy and the pedal goes to the floor very easly I blead the front brakes with no luck so i guess the entire system needs to be blead.


and it did have a verybad dead miss but some new plugs fixed it for the most part. Has sorta of a single tap noise but i can tell if thats just the eng or a problem


starts right up


on another note Im from the Tri-cities TN

any other members around this area?


I look foward to being here and get my sub running for some 4wd fun:)


And if there is anyting you guys want me to know i need any advice possible

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the single tap mentioned above maybe what is commonly refferd to as the tick of death it does no actual damage it is just annoying as hell it is generally caused by a bad micky mouse gasket on the oil pump sry i kind of went over board for somthing that may have nothing to do with your problem eather way welcome

some one here can definatly help you

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Howdy. Your EA81T does not have the imfamous MM gasket. I'd start with running some Marvel Mystery Oil through it for a couple of oil changes. Welcome, Tim




the single tap mentioned above maybe what is commonly refferd to as the tick of death it does no actual damage it is just annoying as hell it is generally caused by a bad micky mouse gasket on the oil pump sry i kind of went over board for somthing that may have nothing to do with your problem eather way welcome

some one here can definatly help you

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Hello. The tick is probably just a stuck hydraulic lifter, try the suggestion above.


As for the driving probs, first make sure the ECS light comes up when ignition is on and engine is stopped. It should go out as soon as the engine starts.


If thats ok, i'd start with checking over the ignition system - Leads, plug gaps, distributor cap, and maybe check the coil too. A good idea to change the fuel filters as well.

Also check that your knock sensor is plugged in (two wires going to a thing sticking out the top of the block, behind the inlet manifold on the right side of the engine) - that will cause a loss of power if its not plugged in and wont bring up a trouble code.

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Greetings and salutations,,, (Howdy)


"muchy" brakes also could be due to a vac leak, 2nd, to air in the line.

Might also want to check your rear drum brake cylinders for leaking.

Due to the alore of off roading that a subaru offers,,, sometimes muck, sand and rust can acumulate in the brake drum area


I remmeber my old FJ-40 landcruiser had mushy brakes and it had drum brakes all around with 2 brake cylinders per a wheel.


I remmember on day cruising along a came around a curve and there was a stop sign and a 4 lane highway intersecting it. I hit the brakes as hard as I could and drifted accross all 4 lanes of traffic with my eyes shut , I was sure I was dead. but it got to the other side and it slowed down finaly..


the next week I honed and rebuilt all the wheel cylinders, replaced the brake shoes and turned the drums:rolleyes: I had the smarts scared into me!

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