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Flex is overated anyway!


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I do still have the swampers, I am just too lazy to put them back on. Plus, I have to buy new pads for this set of rear discs I have and then I'm gonna swap them on as well as new shocks, THEN I'll throw the swampers back on and leave them that way for a LONG while. Sorry for disapointing the offroad crowd by offroading "low-rider" style.

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The "low pro" wheels are US Wheels 70 series 15x7 6x5.5 bolt pattern with 3.75" backspacing. I got them from summit racing for like 21$ or something. The Big ones are US wheel 75 series 14x6 with the same bolt and backspacing. they were like 30$ each.

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now that's a proper ending to a honduh :brow::lol:

geez hummers don't flex much,that left rear wheel should be on the ground.



i love that pic for one.. but the HMMWV (HUMVEE) was not designed to have flex. it was made for desert combat, it did very very well in that. its not a rock clrawler, or a mud boger... but im not saying it cat do that stuff.. it just looks funny..locks its diffs and keeps on moving.


the VW toureg dosn't have any flex ether.. but it still is super cablable... and subarus the same.

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Jibs, when you drove to WCSS7 with the low-pros and the lift, what kind of mileage did you get?


I really couldn't tell ya. I didn't track the mileage very well due to the fact the car had lots of "issues" getting up there and back. Ya know I might've got about the same though actually, about 230 miles to a tank. after I got back we swapped engines and I was only getting about 150-175 miles to a tank. It sucks though, I ran it out of gas a few times cause the fuel guage doesn't work. The low fuel light USED to come on, letting me know when to fill up, but now it doesn't even do that. The next time I run up that way, I'll keep track better for ya.

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