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ea71 oil pump will not come off


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I have an oil leak from the area close to the oil pump. I attempted to remove it but after removing all the bolts the pump will not come out. It looks like someone may have epoxyed the oil pump body holder into the block. There is also an allen set screw next to the pressure switch that is not explained in my manual. Does anyone here have a suggestion. Thanks for all the other help I've received from this site

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I was careful and the oil pump body holder split anyway. It looked as if it had been shellaced in. I was looking at the pieces and the bolt holes in the pump looked like they could be tapped for larger bolts which then could be used as a puller like some GM auto tran pumps are. It's too late for this pump but I will use it if necessary.


Luckily my donor car came through like a champ with a pump with a lot less wear on it.

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