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Appearance/surface of ring grooves after cleaning...


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the guys who did some cleaning and machining on my ea81t also cleaned the ring grooves. One of them in particular now has a whole lot of scratches on the upper and lower surfaces of the grooves - they dont seem to be deep at all when i run something over them, but they are very visible.

Is this an inevitable result of the use of a ring groove cleaner?

And does it matter?

-I can put a pic up if anyone thinks it'll help....



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Ok, thanks. I'm pretty disappointed with them - they seem to have been able to do two of the pistons without making any marks, another with only a few, but one looks a mess. Havn't really got the money for new pistons though (even though some 8.7:1 ones would go down a treat!), so i'll have to go with what i've got i think.

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