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pre 79 manual collection

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ok i thought it would be cool for us to list what manuals we all have, that are for gen 1 and pre stuff. since some of these manulas are hard to find it would be helpfull for those that dont have them to know who dos, that way they might ask questions... anyway ill start feel free to ask me for info, i may not be able to take to find the time to get everyones requests but am will to look into it.. anyway here is what i have....



parts book for

360 young

360 sedan

360 truck

360 van,

360 auto(auto trans in sedan thingy)





engine manual


body manual,

parts books,


gen 1

72 engine manual

72 body manual

73 supplement

74 supplement

75 supplement

76 supplemnt

72-79(wagon)81(brat) parts books

74 imisions stuff

FYI(72 was the base books for service manuals, 73-76 were all addon supplements that you need the privious books to use so if you have a 76 it helps to have 75, 74 72 exctra)


other odd stuff

1000 subaru engine manual(dos not refer to ff1 anywhere that i can fined)

gen 1 accsessory guide,,,,(relly cool)

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Paul, you got any that you want to get rid of (like that you have two copies of or something)?



I probably have a couple of doubles.For the cars I actually own I insist on keeping two.One for home and one to stay in the car.


When I get settled into our next home then everythnig will be sorted through....one more time:rolleyes: :banghead: ,and I'll then release those not needed back into the wild.


Off the top of my head I'd say there unnecessary versions of the '81,'79,and I think a double of 1975...all speculation untill I can confirm.


The one just posted in the Marketplace by the Canadian dude looks to ba a decent deal.Then again,I just scored another '78 supplement for $0.99 and a full Engine/Body for 1982 for $4.99 The Canadian guy says his manual is 3 1/2 inches thick,which has me curious.Definitely sounds like something I'd like.


Keep in touch and check for when I move,then give me a little time to get things in order.


Send crablegs!!:brow::slobber: LOL

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