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Best 'value' in brake pads?

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I don't want or need racing or high end pads. Are the dealer OEM pads good, and a good value? If not, which reasonably-priced, quality pads would you recommend for my 'daily driver'


Another vote here for Genuine Subaru pad kits. As Emily mentioned, they don't squeel and they last longer. The kit includes the anti-squeel shims and the caliper slide grease, as well. Definately a case where "you get what you pay for".

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I don't want or need racing or high end pads. Are the dealer OEM pads good, and a good value? If not, which reasonably-priced, quality pads would you recommend for my 'daily driver'


I used non original but good quality breaks. The car does not break the same. I vote for originals.

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On my 78DL and 82GL, I used every other pad you could mention. Starting with my 85GL 4WD, 90 Legacy LSAWD, 02 Forester (and yet to do an 04 Forester), I have gone to the dealer, got the pad 'set' (includes the necessary shims and hardware to stop the 'squeeling'), and have never looked back.


Can tell you there are cheaper, and other opinions out there, but for me the OEM's are a good buy. Replace them, no noises, problems until the next replacement. (my $.02 is up)

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