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Will it run?!

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Well sunday sunday sunday....

.....My GL-10 is scheduled to have the final pieces placed on


....and the key turned.


hopefully by late sunday afternoon, she'll be pulling out of the driveway UNDER HER OWN POWER (not just gravity), and finally get to launch down the dirt trails....


Why am i posting?! because i need everyone to cross their fingers for me :).



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not even a "wrrrr wrrr wrrrr.... wrrr wrrr wrrr... VROOM!"


i turned the key, and it was like "CLICKVROOM!"


instant on!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes i got some video of it. i got a check engine light, and i have yet to diagnose the problem, but MAN it just TORE up the hill. it was awesome. next will come a gen 3 head for the driver side. SWEET!! thanks for the luck! and i'll be posting a vid soon :)

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Good deal. You did good work obviously.


thanks man!! i poured my heart, soul and blood into this thing every sunday 8am for the past 3 months.... i was so anal about everything.


....you could eat out of the oil pan when i was done cleaning it out.... a 17 year old oil pan...


.....and i did! i had a sandwitch over it when i was done :) AND set the sandwitch on top of the top tier of the inner plate on the oil pan... just cuz i could, it was that clean..


......yes i cleaned it before it went on the car ;)

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