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1997 Outback Won't Start After Fuel Injector Cleaning

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Any help out there would sure be appreciated. Had one cylinder missing on my 1997 Outback (2.5 L) Changed plugs, wires , etc. with no help. Decided to pull and clean the bad cylinder fuel injector per Hanes manual instructions and cleaned the throttle body with carburator cleaner re-assembled everything and now I can't get the engine to start. (It turns but will not fire). Any Ideas??

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Could be flooded or you may have left the large hose off the bottom of the air intake duct. The hose is just over 1" dia and about 8" long.



If all the hoses are hooked, hold the throttle all the way open and crank the engine. It will help clear the cyclinders of excess fuel.

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Could be flooded or you may have left the large hose off the bottom of the air intake duct. The hose is just over 1" dia and about 8" long.



If all the hoses are hooked, hold the throttle all the way open and crank the engine. It will help clear the cyclinders of excess fuel.


I'm pretty sure I checked all hoses. I will check again and give it another try. Thanks for the help.

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Do the EJ motors need to have the fuel rail bled? The older ER and EA don't, but lots of newer engines (like the one in our Neon) are not a loop so they need to have the air bled out of them. Just a thought.


Not that I know of.

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