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Suddenly, she is not starting. Haven't done any tests yet, just hopped in the cruiser instead...


reminds me of when my old (65) mustang had a bad starter relay solenoid.


does my 94 Leg wagon w/at have same type of separate starter relay solenoid? or is it just a bad starter switch?


where/what do I check?


back to class with my 3rd graders...



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Fords had an external solenoid (I kinda like that idea), your Sube's in is the starter. You can replace the contacts; get them at a starter rebuild shop.


I used to have directions and pics, but lost them to a computer mishap.


You can always take the starter in to have it done as well. No reason to buy a starter.

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On the older subaru's, the click seems to be when the solenoid is engaging, but the starter motor has a dead spot. They're one unit, so you replace them together. I've replaced it on every one I've owned at about 200k miles (don't know if it was original or not). $25 for a used starter, and half an hour to replace, so why not just replace it.

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Thanks, Josh....I surfed all the pages you posted on your own starter solenoid job....that is 100% what I believe my issue to be with mine.


Thankfully, I have a backup car...so I can allow some downtime while I locate the contact bits!


Again, thanks for the help, and the links...I KNEW there was another way to go instead of buying a rebuilt starter right off the bat...

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