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update on noise from right bank

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Found out the hard way today that the noise is all most definetly the cam bearingicon8.gif Was on my way to work when i heard the most spine ripping screech come from right bank of engine. Idle dropped and then had no power so i got out looked at the right bank and noticed that my cam gear had rubber from the belt on it. I was only 100 yards from work so i limped it to my bosses barn and turned it off. With further inspection i noticed a lot of smoke coming from that side so i turned the engine so the marks on fly wheel lined up and noticed that both dots on the cam gears allmost faced each other so i knew the belt slipped and i know for sure that the ideler is good. That could only meen the cam its self stopped turnning for some reason thus the loud screech like an engine with no oil. So now my question is how hard is it to pull the cam with the engine in the car? Is it hard to replace the cam bearing? The next thing i need to find out is why did that bearing go? Going to dig into it this weekend icon9.gif Wish me luck! One mor question. Where can i get the cam bearing and seals?

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Problem is they both faced the same way. I know they r suppose to face one up and one down and if you read my post from yesterday called stange noise it explains that it is an internal noise i had and i just did the tensioners and belts when i put the engine in last month. Thanks for the info anyway. icon7.gif

The marks on your cams are not supposed to line up .When one is up the other should be down.Before you dig too far I would check the belts and tensioner.A frozen tensioner would cause the noise you describe and also fry your belt. I'm not an expert,just a lifelong student.


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It shouldn't be too bad to do in the car. The bearings are part of the cam tower on these engines, so you'll want to get a replacement cam tower and probably a different cam from somewhere (new ones are like $200, so I'd get one off the board or from a JY). As to why it happened, maybe a clogged oil passage. How was your oil pressure?


I had this happen on the passenger side of an EA82T that got SEVERELY overheated. However, in this case, the cam seized up after the engine was shut off. When cranked, it quickly removed about 10 teeth from the timing belt.

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I have the cam towers from my old engine but do you think it would be worth putting them in from an engine that has 198.000 miles on it? New engine only has 98.000 on it. Oil pressure runs about 40. when i take it apart what should i look for as for the oil passages? Thank you for the help icon10.gif

It shouldn't be too bad to do in the car. The bearings are part of the cam tower on these engines, so you'll want to get a replacement cam tower and probably a different cam from somewhere (new ones are like $200, so I'd get one off the board or from a JY). As to why it happened, maybe a clogged oil passage. How was your oil pressure?


I had this happen on the passenger side of an EA82T that got SEVERELY overheated. However, in this case, the cam seized up after the engine was shut off. When cranked, it quickly removed about 10 teeth from the timing belt.

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Took apart right side cam tower and removed cam. Front of cam where seal rides has big gouge all along it as does the bearing its self. So put cam case and cam from old engine ,slapped belt on and put marks back in place (one up one down) hit the key and pow fired right up. Must have gotten some dirt in the cam Thats the only thing i could think of because oil pressure on that side is real good. Well at least its fixed !! icon10.gif

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Good to hear that it worked out okay.


The last EA82 I put together is using cam towers that had 205k on them. It now has somewhere around 20k on it since the rebuild and still runs fine with good oil pressure.


As long as there are no big scrapes or anything on the bearing surfaces, they're fine.

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You replaced the high pressure oil passage o-ring when you pulled the cam tower, right? How was the old one? If that o-ring were to fail and leak the high pressure oil to the inside, you'd have low oil pressure to the bearings.



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