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Pardon my ignorance. What is CAS?

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I've posted before. Have an 83 2WD ea81 that now won't run at all. Some suggestions are to check.replace CAS. But me being somewhat a dummy I don't know what a CAS is.

Still looking for disty.

Also, ongoing problem. Looking for parts either thru dealership or autozone-like places, parts are NOT found under the year and model I give them, i.e. 83 DL 1800 Sta Wag 2WD. Any suggestions. Thanks!!


Getting the ark ready. Rain in New England for next 7-10 days.

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CAS: Crank Angle Sensor. It is part of the electronic distributor that tells the control module what the engine speed is and when to fire the coil... but I wouldn't have thought that you would have one on an 83. Maybe it is just simpler, lesser functioned than the later models.

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