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ok, so I have a spare motor?

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its a N/A Motor, can I just drill the holes for the oil passages? to make it a turbo and what would it run like?


Because I'm fixing my wagon... (I bought it for Parts and decided it was to nice to kill) Its 87 gl-10 the interior is buetiful.. (SP) and its only a tranny... I'm just hoping it the tranny from a 85 sedan will work... if not then it will most likely become parts...



any Ideas? or how hard would it be to convert my XT to NA or the the wagon to NA? just a Question?


The wagon would probably be better to convert.... to NA What would I have to do? just get a different Exhaust?




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Xoomer let me talk to Louie here at the shop he said somthing about doing the passage through putting a T right below the sender and drilling a hole in the oil pan tap the hole and use hook that up to the return. it would probably be easier if the tranny work (fingers crossed) but its another option for the xt.

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arnt your XT and your Wagon both turbo cars? if you want to turbo a n/a engine, you would have to use just the block, and then use the heads and intake from a turbo car. unless it alredy has duel port MPFI heads. as far as i know almost all N/a motors were SPFI, and i think its very hard to turbo that fuel system.


just my $0.02

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From what i was just told you put a T in the spot where the oil pressure sender goes. Hook a hose to that and run that to the oil intake on the turbo. then drill and tap a hole in the oil pan run a hose from the return to the pan. then retard the timing to between 0 and 2 degrees. But like i said before it would be easier if the tranny works out.

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Put the trans in the wagon and head to Colorado.



Alright thats Scary.. I didn't realize that many people knew I was headed that way... that and I took it off my signitare...




The problem is I have a very short period of time... I'm kinda set on getting my XT to go to Colorado... but if I have to I am going to throw a tranny in my wagon and be done... Sell the XT and BE on my way...


Plus I'm short a head or two... my heads are cracked on the XT Block... got her to hot...

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