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EJ20G how to find out year of engine


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I just drove back from NY and got me a EJ20G quad cam and am putting it in a beetle. I was wonder if there is anything on the engine block that tells me what year swap it was out of, or how to tell.


Thanks guys,



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ive got a similar problem

i wrote subaru and they said they replied,

Unfortunately, we do not have any method of entering an engine serial number to cross reference it with the vehicle it was originally equipped in. thought that was rather strange

why would they go thru the trouble of stamping a serial number on it if they werent going to use it?


Im hoping somebody comes up with an answer

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How do you fit the quadcam into a beetle? A single cam would fit better wouldn't it?



A single cam would, but the quad is not too bad. You just chop a hole in the firewall for the turbo, and cut a chunk out on each wheel well. That puppy fits right in.



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