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Changed modulator -3spd auto- some Q's about the fluid that came out

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1982 GLF coupe.


Previously changed tranny fluid after using Sea Foam's tranny cleanser product just a few weeks ago,before the wrath of rain.Anyhow,I added B & M Trick Shift,just because it helped me once before.The stuff is light blue in color.Keep that in mind.Then this week I noticed I was down a little fluid so I added a quart of red tranny fluid.So now the color should be mostly bluish,probably slightly purple,right?


Well,when I removed the modulator some brownish fluid came out of the tranny.Is this typical,because the diaphram when ruptured allows oil in?

Or do you think I should flush it again because what I saw was what didn't make it out the first time?I know that usually when you pull the hose off the modulator you'll see some oil if it was bad.Is this just that same oil or do you think it's sediment that finally broke loose or was just missed by the first cleaner?


Only about 1/2 cup of fluid came out.



Good news is that the modulator did make a difference in shifting as it should.I'll have to check tomorrow to see if it's not going to smoke anymore.It shouldn't.

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How did you change the fluid? Unless you pulled the torque converter to drain it, or did your own "power flush", around half of the old fluid will still be in the tranny. I figure on doing a couple half-changes in a row to rid the tranny of as much old fluid as practical.


Brown fluid sounds like it might be old, burnt red ATF. Was the stuff you drained about the same color? Or, mixing blue and red probably would get yucky brown color as a result.


BTW, the actuator rod (goes between the modulator and the valve body) did get put back in when you changed the modulator, right?

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How did you change the fluid? Unless you pulled the torque converter to drain it, or did your own "power flush", around half of the old fluid will still be in the tranny. I figure on doing a couple half-changes in a row to rid the tranny of as much old fluid as practical.


Brown fluid sounds like it might be old, burnt red ATF. Was the stuff you drained about the same color? Or, mixing blue and red probably would get yucky brown color as a result.


BTW, the actuator rod (goes between the modulator and the valve body) did get put back in when you changed the modulator, right?


Diaphram rod,as my FSM shows it,stayed in,same for the O-ring.



That's right Pat,it must be the remainder because I sure wasn't about to do it the 100% correct way at that time.I think I'm going to just do another Sea Foam douche and see how that does.Yes,it does look like the color of what came out with the flush.


So far I'm not inclined to do the pan drop/filter swap/band adjust If the weather stays fair I might get to that but right now time is tough to gather in quantity.


I might take it for a power flush,but again,time and money are restricting.As long as it goes I tend to not stop and make more work for myself.


Thanks for the response.


Added:I just got back from a quick ride and it runs great but does still have the "6 speed" feel in the lower gear exchange.


Dipstick shows a healthy,semi-clear blue fluid.That crap is sitting on the bottom,somewhat.I know it'll circulate,but probably holding up the valves...right Pat?Almost makes me want to make the time or pay the man to drop that pan,clean the valves,heck I already have a fresh screen and gasket...:-\

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Hmmm... the fluid should have mixed pretty well after just a little bit of driving. And the stuff showing on the dip should be whatever is at the top of the pan oozing down the dipstick towards its tip as you pull it out... plus the stuff that always seems to be in the dipstick tube that is there to make it hard for me to read the dipstick.


So we are still wanting to be in all forward gears? Might try what worked for me (maybe I was just lucky): Warming it up, stopping somewheres where you won't get stared at too much (in less you like that sort of thing ;) ), left foot hard on brake pedal, put it into reverse and floor the throttle for *a few seconds*, maybe do the same thing in Drive (and Neutral if it is still trying to go forward in neutral). A couple of repititions might break it loose. Band engages for forward gears, should release for P,R, and N.


If the car is only kind of in forward while in neutral, a band adjustment might help and is fairly simple (though I haven't needed to do one even on my basket cases).


If the car is semi-drivable, I would give the simple stuff some time to work on it. Cleaning the valve-body may or may not help a forward/reverse band problem, which may need more teardown to get to the actuator (I haven't looked at that yet).

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One would figure that Blue and Red would make Purple, but not always does this happen. Depends on the amount/intensity of the dyes involved. Red and alot of Blue, will make a Brownish color, as you're getting into the darker tones of the Red here. We paint car parts at work, and I've watched the Paint Techs mix-up colors. Was amazed as to what they can mix together to get "this" color... So it just may be that the Blue stuff has a intense tint factor when compared to the Red tint factor of the ATF..


In other words: If the tranny works right, and better than it did before.


Don't Worry, Be Happy!!! :)

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So we are still wanting to be in all forward gears?

Well,actually it all works but it has that 6speed double kick feel in the lower gear exchange.The 2nd-to-3rd gearshift is smooth and it's only one shift,not the double kick like the 1-to-2 exchange does.


Downshifting is now much beter and I think the big-late kickdown when approaching a full stop is just about gone.At least I didn't notice it the last times I drove it.


Geesh Paul..I am still feeling bad about this...Is she still smoking???


No reason to feel bad.The car drives really great.Just got back from Naugatuck,hits 75+ on the highway.Feel good about that,girl!!:);)

No more smoking car!!!!Feel good about that too!!


Don't Worry, Be Happy!!!


I'll give it my best shot!,thanks!!


Bottom line:Car is a pleasure to drive.Being 24 years old (the car) I should be thankful it delivers every bit of efficiency that it does.And for the amount of cash spent from the eBay purchase to date is so little when you consider what other cars have cost me.

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