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For do it yourselfers. Will be on until at LEAST 6:00pm MST. Perhaps through the night. Enjoy. ALL electrical diagrams included.


I'm dowloading it, thanks. Two questions. For what model years is it? With what software do you open a ".rar" entension document?

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That's a pretty good one Snowman. You're right on.


I should put this in the "You're a soob owner if" thread, but you might be a subaru addict if you started downloading this file just because it covers A subaru, you don't even know which one(s) yet.


I had no trouble opening the PDF files. It looks like the years covered are 1995-2000.

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That's a pretty good one Snowman. You're right on.




I had no trouble opening the PDF files. It looks like the years covered are 1995-2000.


1) I started downloading it cause I have a faster connection at work and I was going to be away from my computer and cause it's my business.

2) In my case, it's a .rar file and I've never seen that before. Netscape says it does'nt know how to open it.

Any help?

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The file is about 32MB. It took me about 30 minuntes to get it on my cable modem. It think the server end is restricted somewhat.




HOw big is the file, It says it needs like 52 minutes to download, is that the time it takes everybody else?
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