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these are called touring wagons....right??

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  Dr. RX said:
But it is NOT a Legacy.


No, not a legacy. But it IS close....to me [evil grin]. I'm trying to decide how much I'd be willing to bid on it.


But that brings up a question [Thread Hijack starts here]: I'm really only familiar with my Loyale wagon. Are there any significant differences between the GLs and the Loyales?

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  msteel said:
No, not a legacy. But it IS close....to me [evil grin]. I'm trying to decide how much I'd be willing to bid on it.


But that brings up a question [Thread Hijack starts here]: I'm really only familiar with my Loyale wagon. Are there any significant differences between the GLs and the Loyales?


Nope...the Loyale is just a GL/DL with a new name basically..It is actually closer to the DL package.

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Ok, so maybe I am dumber than a bag of rocks, but how do these seatbelts work? I just picked up an '89 touring wagon of my own, and I can't figure them out for the life of me. Not that it matters, as I can't remember the last time I drove around with someone in the back seat, but it would be one less thing causing me to stay awake at night scratching my head. If anyone can enlighten me, I thank you in advancefor.

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You mean the odd shoulder belts instead of lap belts or that you can't find the buckle? I agree, those shoulder belts are pretty weird and I don't see any lap belts. I would venture a guess that its just shoulder belts in the back. If the issue is finding the buckles, they are probably under the bench seat. Pull up on the black strap in the middle, the seat will pop up and they will most likely be sittin' there.

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Hmm,..ya, after looking more closely at that picture, those should belt buckles look very weird. I don't even think they are Subaru, I don't think any wagon models had shoulder belts in the back. Maybe a previous owner had 'em there for a child's seat or extra safety in the back seat????

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  msteel said:
No, not a legacy. But it IS close....to me [evil grin]. I'm trying to decide how much I'd be willing to bid on it.


But that brings up a question [Thread Hijack starts here]: I'm really only familiar with my Loyale wagon. Are there any significant differences between the GLs and the Loyales?


Hey you already got a white wagon give someone else a chance,,, like ,say , me!:-p


I was thinking of bidding on it,,, but it's not 4WD,, not sure if I will bid on it but i could use the body

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  EYE_WHY said:
Hmm,..ya, after looking more closely at that picture, those should belt buckles look very weird. I don't even think they are Subaru, I don't think any wagon models had shoulder belts in the back. Maybe a previous owner had 'em there for a child's seat or extra safety in the back seat????

Actually, they are Subaru belts. They are on my GL-10 Touring Wagon as well. I went back and looked, and finally figured it out. They hook into a hole in the metal lap buckle, underneath the belt. Then the lap buckle gets put in the latch, and you pull on the shoulder strap, like you would in an old car or an airplane. More of a pain in the rump roast than its worth, if you ask me.



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