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What is one to do?

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I'll take it from the top (this morning.)

I got my head back today. I took it to get its exhust stud welded as it had striped. Well it striped a while back so I decided to put these inserts into all four stud holes, what they do is make it a 13mm hole with a steel threded rod with a thred in the middle of that to put your stud in. So, after doing this I done up the exuhst, all was fine till one of them striped out somehow (probably my fault somehow) So I took the head to get welded, also on the one that striped I had gone right thru to the oil passage so I was leaking oil out the exhuast stud badly. Anyway, back to this morning. I put the head back on. Done the tappets again. Got the engine ready to go in. Put the engine in. As I was jacking up the gearbox and pulling up the engine to make it easy to join together some how I pulled the inner left CV join apart and that made the gearbox sit about 5cm to the right of the car. So I couldn't get the engine mounts bolted up. Took the wheel off, pulled the ball joint out (for like the fith time in 8 months of owning this ute,) pulled the drive shaft out, and fixed the inner CV. Put it all back in and got the wheel back on. I have pluged in everything on the engine all ready to go but the exhuast. So I go to bolt that on (after doing a lot of fiddling to make the stud/bolt things work right (don't ask!) As I'm doing up the first one on the head I got welded the bloody other insert stripes... :banghead::banghead::banghead: After a lot of that, and smashing my fist onto my engine and other parts under the hood. Oh and not to mention the foot slamming into the wheel sevral times! (I'm not a very angery person normally.)


So. Now theres two options. Option number one, get a new engine. Option number two, take this one out, get both heads welded, and put it back in. Problem is I really had to have this car running before tomorrow. My brother had his gearbox brake (2nd, 4th, 5th gears dont work and oil flows out of the clutch area.) And to make it even better mum and dad are on hoilday so the only car my bro and I have is grandmas (POS!)... And my bro works tomorrow and I need a car to do take the scrap vegies the super market creates. If I dont take it at least every two days it get rather big and smelly, and the boss's dont like that :-/


Ahh, back to my car, not my life. WHAT IS A GUY TO DO??? I know a guy with a wreak EA81 wagon that has a really nice gearbox I want and a smooth running engine (not sure if it burns oil though) The problem is, theres this other guy who is going to buy it if he can rego it (its a rusted write off, but if its under a year out of rego he can rego it)... I wish I could just go get the car now, but I have to wait to see what this other guy is going to do! :banghead::banghead::banghead: (I hate waiting!)


So right now I'm on the edge. I really think I should be extra careful so I don't damage anythingf else, like this DAMN POS KEYBOARED!!! ARGHHHHH:banghead::banghead::banghead:



I think what I am asking is, what would you do? Don't ask me, because I feel like burning the car right now....... :(


(damn thats a long post)

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Was it one of the long-stud holes the stripped? There's 2 short bolts that hold the adapter to the head, and the 2 long bolts that hold the Y-pipe. All 4 screw into the head bores. If it was one of the long studs, maybe you could drill/tap the hole in the adapter for the next larger bolt. Not saying to drill/tap the head, just that adapter thing between the Y-pipe flange and the head. Should work for a quick-fix until you find new head or engine...

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I tried a product like JB weld, it didn't hold (maybe cos us aussies get cheap crap stuff)


I don't have a Y-pipe adapter, I have custom 2" piping bolted straight to the engine...


helicoils would of cost me $60 to $80 to fix my engine, so I went for the $30 fix (inserts) and I'm paying for it now. Lesson learnt...


I have a 13mm hole, just a bit bigger the half an inch. If i were to use new inserts/heilcoils I would have to drill it out to 14 or 15mm cos of the striped thred in there. I don't know if you can get inserts/heilcoils that go into a 15mm hole and take a 8mm bolt/stud...

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