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Ok, I'm novice in the Subaru arena. But not to mechanics and cars

( http://www.longbros.com/richjr )

I have a 99 Legacy SUS automatic that I am currently "investigating" for the dreaded head gasket issue. I'm still working on being certain.

My question is this:

How does one go about removing the engine from this car?

If I am going to do the HG's, I would prefer the engine out. Is there a site that step by steps it? Or do I need a factory manual.

Thanks a ton!

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Pretty straight forward


O2 sensor connection

Drop the y-pipe

Remove the lower mount to frame bolts

Drain the oil

Drain the collant (pull the lower hose and t-housing)

Pull the fans

Pull the radiator

Unbolt the PS Pump and set it aside

Unbolt the AC Compressor and set it aside

Fuel line and electrial (some folks like to unbolt the intake from the block and flip it back with all items connected)


Flex plate bolts

three other mount bolts eng to trans

Jack and support the eng& trans from the bottom.

Slip a 2x4 between the trans and frame to keep it up

Pull the engine out with a lift.

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If you look around here you(now I'm not saying stealing) might find a Factory service manual(although I would not condone such a thing as downloading copyrighted material;) )that you could, if you were so inclined, dowload, and print out.(If you don't mind babysitting a printer for 7 hours).


Not to say I would do such a thing(BWHAHAHAHAHAA) but they are out there...

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  Storydude1 said:
If you look around here you(now I'm not saying stealing) might find a Factory service manual(although I would not condone such a thing as downloading copyrighted material;) )that you could, if you were so inclined, dowload, and print out.(If you don't mind babysitting a printer for 7 hours).


Not to say I would do such a thing(BWHAHAHAHAHAA) but they are out there...


Treasure hunt..... eh?

Might need a map with a big old "X" on it.

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on the older motors you can actually unbolt the entire intake manifold assembly from the top of the long block. lift it up out of the way and either work on the headgaskets in the car or pull the engine. then drop it back in and lay the manifold back on top the long block. much easier than disconnecting wires, hoses, throttle cables, etc. i tried that for the first time this year and really like that method, should work on the newer models toO?

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