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I have a 96 subaru legacy with 110,000 miles on it. I just noticed that my automatic trans shifter moves in to nuetral from the drive position without having to depress the shifter button. My daughter accidently hit it while we were driving and it moved into nuetral. All the other positions you must depress the button to shift into. Does this mean my trans is slipping? Or is the trans ready to go? I am not a mechanic or very inclined that way so I am just trying to get some knowledgeable feedback. Any help would be appreciated thanks...

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No problem, these cars are pretty bullet proof, i heard a dirty little rumor that an old man put his impreza into reverse on the highway. once it stopped skidding and the tow truck arrived, he just started it up and drove away. although i wouldn't reccomend that test.

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