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are all the keys provided with new 06's transponder keys? I got three with an 06 outback and two look similar, the other does not have a sube emblem on it, just black plastic. My key shop said the one I showed him was available only at the dealer for about $125.

Anybody know different?


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are all the keys provided with new 06's transponder keys? I got three with an 06 outback and two look similar, the other does not have a sube emblem on it, just black plastic. My key shop said the one I showed him was available only at the dealer for about $125.

Anybody know different?



sounds about right - there's a 'chip' (RFD tag?) in the plastic on the key. The car needs to re-learn any new keys unless there is some way to disable that system in which case a purely mechanical key should work. I think the system can learn up to 4 keys total. Check your manual and/or dig around at www.cars101.com

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