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fill-up after Chevron Techron


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267 / 12.1 = 22.06611570247933884297520661157. WOW! This s#*t really works! Whoever has bad fuel economy w/ a Subaru Turbo....this stuff worked for me. Was getting 16 mpg...during tank w/ Chevron Techron 19 mpg....after tank w/ Chevron Techron 22 mpg.

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93 here but just make sure you don't go to the one in North Albany because the old guy who works there doesn't like to put your gas cap back on and close your fuel door. Hondasucks drove from his house, got fuel, then drove 20 miles to my house with no gas cap. He went in the next day and they had it but he was a little pissed off:dead:

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Originally posted by calebz

Oh thats right.. you guys aren't allowed to pump your own gas.. another one if those things thats "for you own good"

Actually, changing that has been up for a vote a couple of times, and it's always been voted down (I lived there for a decade).


I had two diesel rigs filled with unleaded, almost exactly a year apart. The first one, the station's insurance co. had it fixed (~$2,400). The second time, they bought the car.:madder:


And don't even get me started about my motorcycles.

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